Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I kind of abandoned my blog... this big ball of beautiful chaos is why but I am back !! (hopefully...)

Okay so in all truth I had all intentions to maintain this amazing blog about all of my new adventures as a new mom... WHAT WAS I THINKING !!! When was I going to find time to do all of these amazing Susie home maker endeavors and post them to my ( in my mind ) Perfect little blog with just a dash of wit and a pinch of humor... Well as you can tell by my absence that did not work. Being a mom is wonderful and beautiful but it is  also hard and messy and exhausting and chaotic. I would love to get on here and look like mother earth reincarnate but come on people, Lets be honest after chasing around my sweet girl and just handling my daily activities I will be doing good to get a shower today. So instead of making this Pinterest perfect blog with beautifully shot pictures of perfectly platted food I am going to blog my REAL CHAOTIC LIFE.  No glitz no glamour just one mamma to another. So mamas unite  I am taking all of the pressure off of you to be a pinterest perfect , susie home maker mother . This is me and my life as a mother documented in print with spelling errors and grammar errors alike because as I type my child is crawling in my lap picking her nose and singing her ABC'S  this is it people love it or hate it This is the new Dunn Daily Dish : Real life edition . So for all of my exhausted mama's that are viewing this exhausted, slightly smelly because your covered in God knows what and you still happen to be in your pj's don't worry (you are in a safe place ) no judgement here so grab a juice box or coffee or whatever you happen to have take a seat and relish in the fact that your a mama and you wouldn't have it any other way.

( This is my sweet little, beautiful ball of Chaos .. my reason for existing)


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am a new Mama that is extremely happy for her crock pot, because I found this recipe and love it !!

Ok so my sweet little angel Charlie Kate is a whopping  5 weeks old this week and I cant believe it !! It feels like I was just in that delivery room pushing my brains out, sadly time is just racing by me and my little one is growing like a weed before my eyes. As a new mommy I don't have nearly the time that I use to have to cook, blog and experiment in my kitchen on the newest recipe that I have found so if you are following my blog just hang in there I will get the hang of things eventually. So between baby, her daddy and house work and a total lack of sleep it was a breath of fresh air to find this recipe. It is a great recipe that uses my new best friend my crock pot. It is crock pot orange chicken and I really love it! I was skeptical at first because I have always been a crock pot snob and believed in cooking everything fresh and from scratch ....... yeah well those days are OVER!!!  I love that I can whip this up in no time and get back to my little one and have dinner on the table when my honey gets home.  I can maintain my Super Woman status at least for another day ..

Crock Pot Orange Chicken
• 3-4 boneless chicken breasts, chopped into small chunks
• 1/3 cup flour
• olive oil
• 1/2 T salt
• 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
• 3 T ketchup
• 6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate (thaw or throw it in the microwave for 45 seconds)
• 4 T brown sugar

First you take your OJ concentrate, Ketchup, Brown sugar, Vinegar and salt , mix it together and put it in your crock pot. I then Cut up my chicken and toss it in my frying pan with the olive oil and fry it till brown. once golden brown you just add it to your crock pot and cook on high for 2-3 hours of on low for 5-6 hours. 

Once complete you can serve over rice or with stir fry veggies. I found this recipe on The pursuit of Happiness blog , want to make sure she gets credit and know that I appreciate her post. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spinach Dip Recipe Just for my Mama .

My mom and little brother LOVE spinach dip and she is always asking me for my recipe, so I told her that I would post it on her just for her. Love you mom.

Amazing Spinach and Artichoke dip 

  • 8 oz. Cream Cheese, warmed in the microwave for 2 minutes on 50% heat to soften it – (Even if you’re making your dip in the oven, pre-microwaving the cream cheese will help you mix it with the other ingredients, so I recommend not skipping this step.)
  • A dollop of sour cream – maybe 1/4 – 1/3 cup
  • A dollop of mayonnaise – about 1/4 cup
  • About a cup of chopped spinach (either fresh, cooked, or frozen, thawed)
  • 2 cans or jars of non-marinated artichoke hearts, roughly chopped
  • Garlic salt
  • Chili powder – be generous! The cream cheese and sour cream will act to “cool” the dip, so you can sprinkle away with the chili!
  • A handful of shredded mozzarella cheese ( I mix some in and sprinkle some on top)
I bake this at 350 degrees , until cooked through then turn on the broiler to brown the cheese on top till bubbly . So there you go mama I hope that you enjoy!! 

My New Favorite Pasta Dish !!!

Ok so on Thursday March the 15th our wonderful little girl finally arrived !! So with the demands of a newborn I have been trying to get down a little routine with our girl while keeping to my normal routine. That's why I love this recipe it is easy and absolutely Delicious, I was able to whip it up while she was taking a nap and my husband loved it as well. I found it through the pinterest website on another blog and she likes it for the same reasons that I do. I hope that you give it a chance and enjoy it as much as we did.

Chicken & Spinach Pasta Bake

  • 8 oz uncooked rigatoni
  • 1 T olive oil
  • 1 c chopped onion
  • 1 (10 oz) pack frozen spinach, thawed
  • 3 c cubed, cooked chicken breasts
  • 1 (14 oz) can Italian-style diced tomatoes, drained
  • 1 (8 oz) container Philadelphia chive & onion cream cheese
  • ½ t salt, ½ t pepper
  • 1½ c shredded mozzarella cheese
Prepare rigatoni according to pkg directions.  Spread oil on bottom of 11×17 in baking dish; add onion in a single layer.  Bake at 375 for 15 minutes or just until tender.  Transfer onion to large bowl, set aside.
Drain chopped spinach well, pressing between paper towels.  Stir in rigatoni, spinach, chicken, & next 4 ingredients into onion in bowl.  Spoon mixture into dish & sprinkle evenly with shredded mozzarella cheese.  Bake covered at 375 for 30 minutes; uncover & bake 15 more minutes or until bubbly.


Friday, February 24, 2012

My stuffed owl toys

I made these for my little girl and niece they are just to cute and were totally easy to make. I didn't take enough pictures to do a tutorial but I did take these. I traced the pattern out onto wax paper and Cut out my fabric. I then added the face and wing embellishments before turning inside out and sewing together.I then turned them right side out stuffed them and sewed up the little hole lol see filter easy.

I have been sick sick sick ... but its nothing some homemade cookies cant fix.

So on top of being super duper pregnant I have had a horrific head cold, which has just been so much fun..... NOT!!! Any way being in such a crappy situation I decided to try and make the best of my time to rest and make some things for Charlie. I have been sewing up a storm making everything from burp clothes and stuffed owl's to receiving blankets, but all that sewing makes a girl hungry and  since it's me we are talking about that means my sweet tooth gets cranked into high gear. So what did I bake you may ask ? Chocolate chip cookies of course and they were absolutely to Delicious for words.

My Chocolate Chip Cookie  Recipe 
3/4 c. unsalted butter, softened 
3/4 c. brown sugar 
1/4 c. granulated sugar 
1 egg 
2 tsp. vanilla extract 
2 c. all purpose flour 
1 1/2  tsp. cornstarch 
1 tsp. baking soda 
1/2 tsp. salt 
2 c. bittersweet chocolate chips

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

2.  In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream together butter and sugars until fluffy and light in color. Add egg and vanilla and blend in.

3.  Mix in flour, cornstarch, baking soda and salt. Stir in chocolate chips.

4.  Using a standard-sized cookie scoop or tablespoon, drop dough onto a prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 8-10 minutes, until barely golden brown around the edges.  (The tops will not brown, but do NOT cook longer than ten minutes.)

5.  Let cool, on the sheet, on a wire rack for five minutes.  Remove from baking sheet and let cool completely.  Makes approximately 3 dozen.  Try not to eat them all, My Husband always does

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

OMG I love this Bread Recipe !!!

So I haven't posted anything lately because I have been soooo busy but I just have to share this recipe with you!!! I found it on Pinterest, and boy did it blow my mind. It is a recipe for  30 minute baguettes and it totally rocks, I mean I am use to bread taking several hours to make this was no time flat. My husband went crazy over the texture of this bread when I made it in the shape of french loaves but I also used it last night in the form of buns for our chicken salad sandwiches and boy did it rock. So please,please,please give this recipe a try you totally have the time and it only takes 5 super easy ingredients. The only thing that I found was that It does require a bit more flour than the recipe calls for to get it to not be sticky so that you can knead the bread. Here is the link to the recipe and next time I make this I will post pictures. Tonight is Chinese food night and will be posting those recipes and pictures tomorrow and the day after my famous chocolate chip cookies.
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30 minute Crusty Baguettes recipe