Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I kind of abandoned my blog... this big ball of beautiful chaos is why but I am back !! (hopefully...)

Okay so in all truth I had all intentions to maintain this amazing blog about all of my new adventures as a new mom... WHAT WAS I THINKING !!! When was I going to find time to do all of these amazing Susie home maker endeavors and post them to my ( in my mind ) Perfect little blog with just a dash of wit and a pinch of humor... Well as you can tell by my absence that did not work. Being a mom is wonderful and beautiful but it is  also hard and messy and exhausting and chaotic. I would love to get on here and look like mother earth reincarnate but come on people, Lets be honest after chasing around my sweet girl and just handling my daily activities I will be doing good to get a shower today. So instead of making this Pinterest perfect blog with beautifully shot pictures of perfectly platted food I am going to blog my REAL CHAOTIC LIFE.  No glitz no glamour just one mamma to another. So mamas unite  I am taking all of the pressure off of you to be a pinterest perfect , susie home maker mother . This is me and my life as a mother documented in print with spelling errors and grammar errors alike because as I type my child is crawling in my lap picking her nose and singing her ABC'S  this is it people love it or hate it This is the new Dunn Daily Dish : Real life edition . So for all of my exhausted mama's that are viewing this exhausted, slightly smelly because your covered in God knows what and you still happen to be in your pj's don't worry (you are in a safe place ) no judgement here so grab a juice box or coffee or whatever you happen to have take a seat and relish in the fact that your a mama and you wouldn't have it any other way.

( This is my sweet little, beautiful ball of Chaos .. my reason for existing)


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