Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am a new Mama that is extremely happy for her crock pot, because I found this recipe and love it !!

Ok so my sweet little angel Charlie Kate is a whopping  5 weeks old this week and I cant believe it !! It feels like I was just in that delivery room pushing my brains out, sadly time is just racing by me and my little one is growing like a weed before my eyes. As a new mommy I don't have nearly the time that I use to have to cook, blog and experiment in my kitchen on the newest recipe that I have found so if you are following my blog just hang in there I will get the hang of things eventually. So between baby, her daddy and house work and a total lack of sleep it was a breath of fresh air to find this recipe. It is a great recipe that uses my new best friend my crock pot. It is crock pot orange chicken and I really love it! I was skeptical at first because I have always been a crock pot snob and believed in cooking everything fresh and from scratch ....... yeah well those days are OVER!!!  I love that I can whip this up in no time and get back to my little one and have dinner on the table when my honey gets home.  I can maintain my Super Woman status at least for another day ..

Crock Pot Orange Chicken
• 3-4 boneless chicken breasts, chopped into small chunks
• 1/3 cup flour
• olive oil
• 1/2 T salt
• 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
• 3 T ketchup
• 6 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate (thaw or throw it in the microwave for 45 seconds)
• 4 T brown sugar

First you take your OJ concentrate, Ketchup, Brown sugar, Vinegar and salt , mix it together and put it in your crock pot. I then Cut up my chicken and toss it in my frying pan with the olive oil and fry it till brown. once golden brown you just add it to your crock pot and cook on high for 2-3 hours of on low for 5-6 hours. 

Once complete you can serve over rice or with stir fry veggies. I found this recipe on The pursuit of Happiness blog , want to make sure she gets credit and know that I appreciate her post.